Monday, 25 February 2013



I call You, brother, because
You’re just like me.
You’re a human being.
My mother with my pretty sister
Sakeena was at Ramnagar market.
You killed them.
What did you get?

Do you know? They went to
Purchase a frock. I gave them
500 Rs. which I earned from brick
Loading, and
You killed them.
What did you get?

Innocent people were crying.
Did you hear them crying out?
Look! There are my mother’s feet,
And here my sister’s dream.
You killed them.
What did you get?

Uf! How do I tell you?
Khuda loves everything,
And you hate them why?
Think for a moment brother think.
You’re a human being.


Saturday, 23 February 2013

स्कुल में आज सुबह से ही लोगो की भीड़ लगी हुई थी . मंगर , बड़े , पुनिया आदि गांव के सारे बच्चे अपने   मता  पिता के साथ स्कुल के प्रांगन में उपस्थित हो रहे थे।  मुझे भी उत्सुकता हुई यह जानने कि की आखिर बात  क्या है ? मैंने गांव के ही एक व्यक्ति से पुछा ;

-क्यों भागीरथ भैया! आज स्कुल में काहे दौडल-फान्दल चले जा रहे हैं ? हमको भी कुछ  बतलाईएगा?
-हाँ कहे नहीं ? आज सुन रहें हैं कि इस्कुलबा में आज पैईसा बंटेगा ? ई सच है का हो ?
-ई  तो हमरो भी नहीं पता था भैया ! चलिए हम भी चलते हैं . लड्डू  भी तीसरा में  पढ़ता है . पुछ  लेंगे शायद उसको भी कुछ मिल जाये ?

हम दोनों स्कुल में पहुंचे। मध्यविद्यालय अलावां। सारे शिक्षक एवं शिक्षिकाएं अपनी अपनी कुर्सी पर डटें हुए थे। दो चार गौएँ और भैंसें, तथा कुछ बकरियां विद्यालय के प्रांगन में अपनी मस्ती में चराई कर रहीं थीं। देखने से  किसी को भी लालू के चरवाहा विद्यालय की   यादास्त ताजी हो जाएगी।
 जैसा कि मुझे  हुआ। गोरखियों का पात्र शिक्षकगण  बखूबी  निभा रहे थे। भैया!  मुझे कोई  पानी पिलाओ यार ! मैं मूर्क्षित हो जाऊंगा। क्या आप मूर्क्षित नहीं हो जाएँगे?, ऐसे द्रिश्य को देखकर?
अगर आप कस्टिस्ट होंगे तो भैया आपको  जरा भी  तकलीफ नहीं होगी। क्योंकि हमारा प्रदेश बिहार इस मामले में काफी आगे है।

अब मैं सीधे मैडम के पास गया जो प्राचार्या थीं स्कुल की । मोटी  ताजि लगभग 150 kg की। मैंने अपना कर्तव्य निभाया और पैसे के सन्दर्भ में पहले बात की। क्योंकि आज पैसा ही सबकुछ है ये आप भी जानते हैं। नहीं तो  साला हजार-हजार करोड़ का  घोटाला घोटालेबाज क्यों करते? अन्ना हजारे, केजरीवाल,किरण वेदी आदि जैसे लोग क्यों मैदान छोड़कर अपने घर में घुंस जाते?  भ्रस्टाचार को भी शायद  भारत ही सबसे ज्यादा पसंद है। होना भी चाहिए, क्योंकि यहाँ सभी तरह की जलवायु जो  मिलती है? खैर! अफ़सोस की बात है कि सारा कुछ जानते हुए भी भारत की जनता मौन साधी  हुई है।

मैंने मैडम जी से पूछा-

-क्यों मैडम ये स्कुल है या चारागाह?

उनहोंने बड़ी नम्रता से जवाब दिया।

-जो आपको अच्छा लगे वाही कहिये।

वजाय इसके कि उन्हें जरा भी शर्म आती। पैसे लेकर सभी बच्चे तथा अभिभावकगण अपने-अपने घर को चले गए .

मैं वहीँ मैदान में बैठा आसमान की ओर देखकर कुछ प्रश्नों का जवाब खोजने का  प्रयास  करने लगा।

-आखिर नेताओं का ध्यान स्कुल के मुलभुत जरूरतों पर क्यों नहीं जाता है? क्यों नहीं वे स्कूलों में
Computer, प्रयोगशाला, बिजली आदि की व्यवस्था करते हैं? भोजन , सायकल , दलितों को रेडियो आदि पर खर्च करने से क्या वास्तव में हमारा देश विकास की ओर उन्मुख होगा?
या फिर इनकी कोई साजिश है जो आम आदमी अभी समझ नहीं पा रहा है?

जो भी हो हमें नींद से जगना होगा और अपने अधिकार को समझकर उसके लिए कोई न कोई कदम जरुर उठाना होगा।

                                                                                                भीष्म कुमार

Friday, 22 February 2013

                    I Take You to the Railway Journey

Once I was on the way for our capital city New Delhi. The journey was of the Local Dubba, as we call it in our regional dialect. The train was Sampurna Kranti Express. Absolutely the train was a Kranti because we all were going to bring it in New Delhi. Some how or the other I entered the compartment. I was all alone. I mean there was nobody present in the Dubba who knew me. It was full of strangers. After entering in it I found myself looted. Very troubled. Could I able to reach at my dstination or not? I was thinking this and suddenly I met a Pagal (mad man) because his attitude was showing him to be a mad. He said,
-Oy! Where will You go?
-Delhi, I said.
-Work in a factory?
-No, study.
-Ha ha ha ha! Study? but your face doesn't tell you that you are a student.
-May be. But I 'm really a student. Studying MA in English.
-What does it mean? said he very surprisingly.

It was summer time. The temperature was so high. Inside the Dubba , don't ask of my condition. I began to abuse our railway administration. Rail Mantri, and others. Is it the condition of a third class Yatri? I was weeping, and praying the Gods and Goddesses. But instead of showing pity on me They took me at another world of trouble. I was already in trouble, as I've told you. I felt latrine. Oh! God. I am not your Bhakt. Why are you doing wrong with me? I was in bitter dilemma. The climate of that Dubba was so auspicious that, I think , you're also enjoying. I was standing on my one foot, and changing it frequently. The yatri who had got their seats were so lucky. Sometimes I looked at their faces, and thought of myself to be very unlucky among the luckiest. Suddenly my eyes were atracted to an old man who was abusing furiously to a man who was sitting by him.

-Sala Kutta! Tell me now What I do?
-Sorry dadaji. It's not my mistake.
-Not your mistake? then whose mistake it is? Its the mistake of your father? Madar....

I was very surprised. I wanted to know the matter. I called him, and ask.

-Dadaji! What happened? Why are you crying?
-What happened You ask? Ask what didn't happen to me? See, my dhoti. Yellow color material on it. Are You looking at it?
-Oh! very wrong. But do you think You'll get any advantage on crying so loudly?
-Then compromise it with him and the innocent child, who have done wrong with you. And pray to God for your destination and also for ours.

He got my advice, and cooled down. But my plight was very different. I was feeling bathroom very bitterly, as I've told you earlier. I was searching for some room to find out the bathroom, which was two hands later from me. I requested the passengers to give me some place so that I could reach to the room. I thanked them and the God who listened me. Any how I reached to the bathroom. I tell you the truth even there the devils didn't leave me. The bathroom was closed. I knocked the door, and cried;

-Is anyone inside the room? please open the door. I'm feeling too much..oh!

There was no reply. I requested so many times, but I got nothing from inside. At last I pushed the the door very forcibly. The door opened. I was happy for a moment, but my pleasure and my condition were at once settled when I saw a woman of almost 25 with her two children. In the other bathroom, the situation was same. Even in the other some boys were sitting, and praying for the kind God to reach at their destination.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


Hey! Hear me honest man.
What are you doing nonsense?

            Afzal hanged to death.
            Celebrate Dipawali, Ide,
            Baishakhi, and Onam etc

Hey! Hear me honest man.
Why are you ill faming, nonsense,

            The Khuda? Does a religion
            Advocate to bring disaster?
            If so, I and even you reject it.

Hey! Hear me honest man.
When will You awake?

            The Sun has opened his
            Eyes, yet in Kashmir and,
            At other places violence why?

Hey! Hear me honest man.
How are you? Do have a cup of tea.

            ‘N’ follow me. Country first.
            Next come RAM, RAHIM, ISHU,
            NANAK and others.

Hey! Hear me honest man.
            Hear me.